In the midst of trying and unfamiliar times, the passion and will of the human spirit shine through. African Orphan Educational Foundation added 5 new educational sponsors at the height of the COVID-19 crisis.
With schools closed tight, African nations on lockdown, and our mission teams in triage supplying maize flour to the hungry, new AOEF supporters and educational sponsors stepped forward as if lighting candles of hope for the road ahead.
As you see candles lit this holiday season, consider every spark a flame of hope and promise for Africa’s orphans and disadvantaged children. May every breath they take renew their faith with hope for the days ahead and the promise of greater things to come.
If you are already a supporter, you are bridging the distance and fueling hope for these kids!
If not, challenge yourself to fan the flames of young people’s dreams. Sometimes, a little support and encouragement are all they need to go the distance.
Sometimes, YOU are all they need.
Join us today to light the path of promise and possibility through education – for Africa’s orphans.