AOEF’s From Leadership to Legacy leadership curriculum was designed and developed with African youth leaders in mind. Our cohort of six youth leaders in Africa worked with AOEF mentors to explore leadership, complete weekly assignments, tap other students to mentor through the 8-week core curriculum, and prepare and present project proposals.
The experience was extremely demanding, but our youth leaders rose to the challenge.
Nearly two dozen young adults took part in and were impacted by the From Leadership to Legacy pilot in Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda and Uganda
“Fantastic”, “incredible” and “incomparable” are words participants used to describe the experience. We were particularly moved by one respondent noting the course was led in a supportive manner with humility.
“Would you recommend this program?” also elicited a few responses we weren’t expecting. One youth leader, a former volunteer with Educate Uganda, suggested that if at least 70% of African youth completed the program, it would lead to “a better, safer and more developed continent”. We must admit, From Leadership to Legacy is that good. And, while 70% presents a large number, nothing is impossible.
We would not have reached the milestones attained without the deep and abiding commitment of Wayne Philp and Jimmy Glenos, our tireless coaches and mentors, AOEF’s entire Board of Directors (many serving as guest presenters and mentors), AOEF’s Youth Advisory Council, our pilot cohort, and their selected mentees in Africa.
Those who served gave selflessly, enabling us to maintain the highest standards of excellence while modeling sacrifice, dignity and grace.