Get ready for “Taste of Africa” Saturday, April 13, 2024!
This intimate VIP cocktail reception at the North Palm Beach Country Club will offer a unique and memorable experience. The sights, sounds and sips are authentically African. The rolling and thunderous drums, African and adventure-inspired auction items, and messages from team members in Africa are designed to “take you there” for an evening.
Guests, sponsors, supporters, and friends will engage in an intimate and meaningful way while doing good in Africa. It will be a powerful room, a gathering of individuals who believe they can change the world — and already have.
AOEF supports the educational and personal development needs of orphans and vulnerable youth in Africa. Every ticket purchased advances our mission.
Help equip, educate, and empower the “least of these”.
Secure your tickets today ($150 per guest) at Taste of Africa!
If you need additional information, email: and reference AOEF Taste of Africa in the subject line.